Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Possible project

Tim and I are going to be working on something together, but my part in it is rather small so I am considering going into expanding on my part and continuing with a musical project. There is a great deal of power in music and music is continuously used by artists to get a point across, whether it be meaningful folk, like Woody Guthrie, or hard rock social commentary of Marilyn Manson.

Music evokes feelings from deep within us all and can make a point where "just a poem" would not. We relate to the emotions on others quite a bit and that's what gives music power. When we read something, if it's not written just right, the emotion could be lost, leaving behind a mass of words that have meaning only for the author. When the author READS the work aloud, it takes on a whole new meaning as the author's emotions are possibly heard in the reading. This is one step closer to music.

My thoughts are along the lines of the abuse of power, the relationship between the music itself and the message the artist is attempting to project. Words can be interpreted differently by each reader, but sound is a great deal more direct and clear to the listener. A glass breaking on paper can have a wide variety of intensities. A crack to a shatter is dependent entirely on the writer. The sound of a glass breaking violently can not be seen in many different ways. The evidence is in the ears. I have written a lot of poetry and music and often combined the two and have almost invariably found that lyric put to music is a more emotional outlet. An easier "fix" for me, catharsis-wise.

So, I've decided to go the music route, expand on my part in Tim's project and explore the power of music to illuminate the power, or the abuse thereof, of our societies.


  1. Hey Jeff!

    I think you are right on track. Your opinion and statements about music are right in line with mine. Music drives creativity. It helps to be the basis nearly everything in our lives. Music can be found in the birds in the morning waking us up, the radio on the way to class, and even the television at night. It is all around us and in many different forms. When I see a poem, or simply a lyric it doesn't have the same effect on me as when that poem is read or sung. This element helps to exert power, emotion and originality.

    I think that the abuse of power is a nice thought for your project. It will be unique and has the ultimate potential to be extremely moving. There are many musicians who have "abused their power" through music and maybe this is also something you could touch on. Musical artists to our youth can at times be like gods. What they says goes in many ways and therefore their power of lyric and music can be abused. I think that musicians, in some way or another, have a resoponsibility in their music and maybe this can tie in with your abuse of power label. Well I think the idea is fantastic and I look forward to hearing what you come up with!


  2. Jeff,

    Two things spring immediately to mind.

    One, have you defined clearly for yourself the difference between lyrics and poetry? Is there a difference? It's a question I know that I have wrestled with myself because songs and poetry are arguably very close in nature.

    Two, an idea came to me when you were talking about the author's impression/emotion effecting the message. I think it would be interesting if you took the same body of text, something fairly plain, and put it to different kinds of music. Then do the opposite (different texts to one kind of music) and maybe journal about the responses of you personally or an audience. You could set up a psychological experiment of sorts. I think you have a great start here, keep up the good work!

  3. I'm glad someone is thinking about using music. I thought about it, but don't have enough skill to create anything lasting. Also, going off of what Allison said about the psychological experiment: What if you set it up like an experiment. Once you have the music set (created pieces or picked songs) you could set up a booth somewhere and play for people the music. Then record what they do or ask them about power. Maybe ask them who they think has the most power in their lives. Something so that you see the changes of what people think based on what they listen to.

    I'm not sure what the collaboration between Tim and yourself but I sure it will be unique and interesting. I will be looking for an update about that. These projects seem a little tricky for multiple person creations. Just having to compromise between two or more people's opinions and ideas of what power means to them seems tough. Good luck.
