Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Here is some character information

I was thinking that you all would probably like to read a little bit about who this guy is, so you'd be able to pick him out of a line-up or recognize him on the street corner.

Now I understand that time and distance and everything tends to suspend itself and become all convoluted when I’m tripping but I trusted Kevin’s judgment that a huge deer was four feet from us.
“Does it have antlers?” I ask. See I can’t see anything at this point and I am under the impression that I have gone blind and that I will not be able to see ever again. This realization does not startle me but rather I feel relieved that I won’t have to ever set sights on Fern shaking her utterly perfect ass at the bar we both like to go to. It is hard to see that, and sometimes while at the bar I’ve caught myself reaching for the straws in a feeble attempt to grab an instrument with which I can pry my eyeballs from their sockets. Sometimes I think that the shot glasses they use at the cheepster college bar we like to go to would do a better job. If I used one of those I’d simply insert it into my eye socket, apply pressure and turn and pronto – my eyeball would pop out.
I wasn’t permanently blind from that trip with Kevin. I was however significantly altered and I kept wondering what Fern was doing and who she was doing it with. I know that those sorts of thoughts are pointless especially when I’m the one who ended it with her, and the reasons I cited happen to be the drugs and the friends which I want to dedicate more of my time and energy towards than her. Most of the time I don’t care about her anymore but when I start really thinking I realize that she was, for the longest time, all I wanted to do and be and to not have her was to lose that portion of me. Whenever I’m not alright with that all I have to do is take a huge bong rip and hope that my lungs catch up with me before my brain does. Then and only then, while I’m heaving in the fetal position, do I realize that this is now and I exist in this time and space and all that I can do is be. That’s pretty deep shit for a 20 year-old to think about. I have always been precocious, I’ve been told, and more often than not I simply have the curiosity that is required for a person to truly observe the world. There was once this man named Henry James and he said that we all should strive to be “the person upon whom nothing is lost.” I’d say that even being as observant as I am; I still lose about 60 percent of what I should be getting out of all of my daily interactions with my surroundings. That means that for the typical person that number has to be much much higher and the percent of the world they do perceive is likely insignificant and mainly pertaining to carnal concerns i.e. food, shelter, handbags and such.
I really don’t mean to be cynical; it is just how I am. My parents said that I should try to be less serious. I never quite understood what they meant in saying that. It seemed that all throughout my life matters were serious. My father’s parents were dying most of my childhood and arrangements had to be made while they were alive. Arrangements for the loads of money and stock shares my grandfather had in both his and my grandmother’s name. The other matter that had to be settled before they died was who was to take care of Louisa, my father’s kid-sister who has Down’s syndrome. My parents ended up getting custody of her transferred to them and she was placed in a great group home where she’s learned how to perform simple household tasks and I’m told she feels now as though she has a purpose. I wish sometimes that my purpose was as straightforward and recognizable as Louisa’s ability to sort through table settings is.
Other matters in my life cropped up then and they crop up now and they all seem to be of a serious nature. Breaking my arm in a random state that didn’t understand the brand of health coverage I carried, being fired the following week from a long standing job for having had a broken arm, my father being a complete dick to me, because so one stupid mistake. All of these things seem serious, and many other things like being pulled over for a busted exhaust valve in the parking lot of my own apartment complex, finding out that my girl friend cheated on me with some dude I hate, getting indigestion from the Taco Bell I decided I was hungry for, seem utterly world altering at the time of their occurrences. This is why acid is such a powerful drug. See acid takes all of that mumble-jumble and makes it into a straightforward table chart, complete with bar graph and annotated table of contents. It lays out all of the shit that’s perpetually spinning in my brain and makes it stand at attention. It threatens that if the shit in my life isn’t going to act serious than the drug will and does.


  1. Ok, so I think I've read all the parts of the story now and things are beginning to come together. I really like your main character and how you sort of have him going 'stream of consciousness' on us, but we also get some dialogue. I think your descriptions are amazing, I could totally see that Kellie girl, and when you were describing his relationship with Fern it vaguely reminded me of someone I used to be with.

    I find it intriguing that you're writing a lot about the effects of drugs. People have tried to explain 'tripping' and stuff to me, and I assume it's quite difficult to write about, but I like the way you describe it as a serious drug. Since I read these (in order i think) ..I really want to see what happens with the guy and Kellie and if Fern comes back into the picture. Again, I still don't really know where this is going in terms of power - unless you're going to end up talking about the power of drugs or something. Regardless, these were very quick reads and I'm very interested in seeing what happens next!

  2. I was kind of on the fence at with the first couple of posts regarding the voice of this story, but it's grown on me and I really think it fits well with the story. It feels very honest, but not entirely so, like a private disclosure. There are moments when, even through the character is revealing everything to us, you can feel an apologetic or hesitant twinge that makes it very human.

    I see you covering a lot of different power issues here: Relationship dynamics, drug influence and it's effects on perception and potentially self control, and occupation/location and economic status, which I still assume to be the main aspect of your stories, given your summary. You're going to have the main character interact with his coworkers and relate to or struggle with issues of power evident in their personal stories.

    Having a better idea of the storyteller is wonderful, because it adds a layer and a lens to the tale. I'm looking forward to future updates! :)

  3. It's sort of trippy as it is, or so that's what stream of consciousness does to me, heheh. I like the way the character is presented, that confluence of, say, acid and taco bell. It gets across his uniqueness, his sort of inability to make a definitive distinction between what's "serious" and what we'd consider to be silly in our society. It's a strange contrast to have his deepness and seriousness of thought after seeing his actions in the previous excerpts and as continued here with his comments about Fern and acid and such, but I think it is effective in defining him as a psychologically complex and engaging character despite his status on the low-end of the power relationships. So, it's a positive step towards getting across the power dynamics in action.

  4. This voice has started to grow on me. I'm a big fan of the fractured style of narrative and how easily the narrator can slip between the present and the past when he is reminiscing. It feels authentic and distracting in a good way. He goes from prying his eyeballs out with shotglasses at a "cheepster" (I liked this word) to talking about his serious past with ailing grandparents and an aunt with down's and it works. Any suggestions I have come in the form of a warning against cliches. I'm not sure which part of the story this is, but I feel like acid stories have been done, the college stoner running from his problems has been done. The parts that I really like are when we see unique thoughts from his head and his judgements on reality. If those can stay unique and strong this story has a lot of promise. Him dropping acid and taking bong rips really doesn't seem too relevant to the themes of the story, so just be careful that those things don't distract from what you are trying to accomplish here. I don't think it really does too much here, but it's something to look out for. Also just some cliched language ("my dad being a complete dick to me") throughout could be changed, but for the most part I think you're starting to find a good rhythm in writing in this voice, keep it up.
