Sunday, November 15, 2009


This begins when Rinnah is remembering her camp instructor. There are some parts where I skipped because it needs work such as the only thing that connects Acario, Rinnah, Ada, and Cynna is a little boy name Joshua whom they all went to camp with.

“Welcome to summer camp” she would say

"Here is a place in which you must learn to leave the outside world behind. Stay in line Tommy Lee….now let’s see."

She counted the heads in a systematic rush searching and smiling.

“Ah… this woods is my kingdom, my domain you will follow my rules whether you like it or not, but rest assure you will because here is where you will learn to be modest citizen within the outside world and the trick is having control of your life, you must learn how to control yourself, your habits your eccentric habits.”

This speech made the children point fingers to little Joshy in the corner who was always talking and laughing to himself.

Welcome We have much work for you so we must hurry along” Joshua said grabbing her wrist and pulled her away from the cliff.

“Wait I must wait for my friend,” she protested



“What are friends?”

She was perplexed by his perplexity, how ignorant can he bee not to knowing what friends were or a sense of fashion.

“My friends, the one I came with,” she explained.




“Yes, they are my companion they were helping me catch frogs”


“Yes! Don’t you understand?”

“No…what frogs?”

She grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the edge of the cliff

“Look” she exclaimed.

“I see no frogs”

To her amazement it didn’t looked liked they were chasing frogs anymore but disgusting insect like creature spreading throughout the whole field. And Acario, Ada and Cynna continued to move through the mud hopping, leaping, and croaking at their failure.

“They are your friends?” he asked.




“But I thought friends are people how knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words”

“They are”

“Them….and you want to help them”?

“Yes “

“Ok,” he sat down on a nearby stone and watch her intensely. “Help them”


“The mental inebriates looks quite comfortable where they are but if you choose to help them than go right ahead. Everyone is entitled to the work that the master is ready to give but only when they are ready.”

Quickly, she stood on the edge of the cliff and started to call their names. Acario was the first one to hear her calls. He notices the firm golden rope that wooed him to the familiar voice on the other side. Cynna was second, it was a challenger for her to climb the rope because every time she fell, she seemed to be distracted by the strange marsh creatures. However, Ada couldn’t manage to break free, every time she notice the rope a frog would jump in her face and giggle out of amusement which made her amuse. They were much more interesting than that single rope that led to one direction. What was it anyways, and its purpose the golden rules? Wow, just like grade school. But these creatures giggle, danced, hopped and glide in every direction into those fun soft places. They formed and the deformed their environment making it appeared the way they wanted it to seem rather than what it was. The rope just stood with its steep structure, hard and simple, too plain for taste and fun. There’s no way of changing that. Ada had time to contemplate once you reach the top there’s nowhere to go but down so why bother. But these creatures had slippery eyes moving and dancing and different direction as they laugh audibly in their slippery fun. She was too comfortable. She wouldn’t budge.

“We don’t have much time left we must be going,” Joshua warned. But the three refused to go on without their friend they demand.

He walked over to the edge and called her name out in such an alarming manner that the whole cliff began to tremble.

Ada looked up and was dazed in his jade eyes, they were different, and something she has never seen before in any of her dreams. The color was so rich. She was captivated and decided to see what this message he was giving through his eyes alone was about. She began to climb the rope. How can Jade like grass like peas were trapped in such a solid like structure?

As the three watched their comrade ascend the rope the marshland began to collapse, and the forest began to tremble. It curved within its self and splitting at the edge in four different places towards the east.

“Oh dear” Joshua said as he looked in amazement.

“What’s happening? Stop this!” Rinnah ran towards him tugging on his arm.

Acario and Cynna beg Ada not to look down but to climb the robe. She couldn’t understand what they were saying and why they were so frantic.

“Keep going!” they yelled.

Rickety, Ada ascended the cliff to the top where Acario and Cynna helped her up on the edge.

“What were you saying I couldn’t here you over the….”

“Doesn’t matter now we were telling you not to…”

“What was that noise?” Ada asked as she looked down.

“ …look back” Joshua finished their sentence

The eroding blare distracted her from the warnings on those pretty green eyes the moment she look down the rope broke along with the edge of the cliff she was sitting on and the quagmire engulfed her, crushing her body, snatching Ada away from the watchful eyes.

“This is not happening it feels….”

“Oh Dear” Joshua mouth off again

“Oh dear what? Is that all you can say” Acario yelled

“She wasn’t ready….”


  1. I've been following your posts and yet I still find myself lost :p But I'm getting the feeling that Rinnah feels just as disoriented as I do, so perhaps that is the intention? Conveying the fleeting reality of dreams, the way objects and histories and characters can write themselves into the narrative as we go. The way we sometimes accept the truly bizarre as normal because one of the dream characters offers a half-logical explanation and suddenly of course, that makes sense, it's always made sense.

    I like the altered perceptions of the marsh/ pit, between those above and those wallowing within it. The pleasures of the frog catching is only apparent to its participants, labeled 'mental inebriates' by those above. I remember Rinnah came to a similar mindset as she climbed the golden rope in an earlier excerpt: Once above the muk, the thrill of it suddenly seemed foolish.

    I think the only way I'm going to be able to wrap my head around this piece is reading the finished story beginning to end. I'm looking forward to it - you paint a lovely and fascinating (and slightly unsettling) world with your descriptions.

  2. I too would like to see this as a compiled and finished product, but I like the dreamy atmosphere you cover in this post. The way you drift words in that sort of should be there but aren't quite the correct ones --it was a challenger for her to climb the rope; out of amusement which made her amuse--really nails this dreamy feeling for me and pulls me into the writing; it's simultaneously interesting and sort of offputting (it makes me feel like something subtle is wrong...which is confirmed by the destruction of the marsh/forest, as something is definitely wrong). I like how the characters react to it, and I like the last lines of your post to give senses of apathy, dread and fantasy all at once.
