Thursday, October 15, 2009

One in a Million Beat

This goes to the song by aaliyah its called one in a million you can bring up the song on youtube without the lyrics just type in the instrumental version.

you dont know what i been thru
you just see me on the struggle
ima tell you now that i dont kno how
i ended up here wish i could tell
got a baby, in my belly, can you tell me
if its healthy
tryna live with in the system
but i dont have the basics like money

i really wanna try and make the best of this
but i dont kno where to start its like a hit and miss
wanna get a job but we in a recession
lord help me with this confession
i have this burden in my hands im tryna come up with a neccessary plan.
just want to make it work do you understand

i got supporters but they not in my shoes
thats why i walk around and just sing the blues
tehy tell us taht we gree here but i dont believe
cuz im on the streets with no money
can you hear that in my stomach
yea thatsa heart beat of my little one
a boy or girl dont care daughter or son
tryin to give em the world with my own hands
at the bottom of evonomy is where i stand
freedom wont come to me soon enough
cuz i gotta rely on everyones trust
that ill go thru the necessary step
to make sure i get that government check
so for right now ima eat right
talk to my baby morning, noon, and night
i hope one of you hear my prayer and you pray for me with my story i share
im a lonely women wit a baby on the way...
put me in your heart and hope that we okay....


  1. So again, I am loving these poems. One think I think you may try that would be really cool for the next round of postings would be to attach an audio file perhaps. I know you offered the youtube suggestion this time, but if I could hear you doing the rapping, that would be an awesome effect since it is your work after all. I am also still very interested in your use of dialect. I am wondering if people would read this differently if the dialect wasn't used. Have you thought about the image the dialect creates, who the reader is seeing when these lines are spoken? IS there a particular image you want to get across or does it matter to you what the audience is thinking? Just some thoughts for your next post. Keep it up. I am sure I will read those too!

  2. This poem really shows the power struggle that a lot of us are facing right now. the people vs. the economy. And although I don't think any one in our class is pregnant and living on the streets, I think we all feel a little bit tied down in that there is pressure to become successful yet no one is offering jobs.

    freedom wont come to me soon enough
    cuz i gotta rely on everyones trust
    that ill go thru the necessary step
    to make sure i get that government check

    We all rely on trust to get us through the day. But how can we trust when everyone seems to be in it for themselves? This girl has hit rock bottom and all she wants is hope and guidance. This is a strong poem that evokes much emotion.
